
Joining the CalAsian Chamber gives you access to resources and relationships that will help you reach your goals.


The California Asian Pacific Chamber of Commerce has partnered with several strategic partners to offer our members products and services at a special rate to help your businesses succeed. We encourage you to take advantage of these exclusive benefits and resources.

Why Become a CalAsian Chamber Member?

When you join the CalAsian Chamber, you join a network of business leaders. You learn money-saving strategies within your industry and increase your marketing exposure to a statewide audience.

Your CalAsian Chamber membership provides comprehensive business development services, including technical training, workshops, and access to capital-generating opportunities.

Small Business Membership Levels

We have a membership for every business.

Annual Membership $249 $849 $2,500 $5,000
# of Employees 0-5 6 to 25 26-50 51+
Access to member exclusive pricing for events x x x X
Access to e-newsletter x x x X
Event Sponsorship 1x 2x
Website Benefits
Visibility on membership directory 1 category up to 2 catagories up to 3 catagories up to 3 catagories
Access to community calendar and community career page X X X X
Member E-Newsletter
Ability to share content with our email list/network through "Quick Resources" 1 2 3 4
Dedicated e-communication to membership 1 2 4
Ability to have featured insert in e-newsletter 1 2 4
Social Media Outreach
Mention on CalAsian social media (re-sharing/sharing content from business social media channels) 1 2 3 4
Sharing content from business member 2 4 6 8
Business Development
Opportunity to access our business services Free Free Free Free
Access to subject matter expert program X X X
Traditional and alternative capital preparation program X X X
Opportunity to promote business at workshop/event 1 2 3 4
Metrix Learning $100 1 license 2 licenses 3 licenses
Introductions to qualified leads 1 2 3
Opportunity to meet with local and state decision makers X X X
Opportunity to join public policy committees X X X
Assigned Dedicated Chamber Concierge X X
Recognition in Annual Report X X
Preferred Vendor Opportunities X
Invitation to Cal Asian Chamber Lobby Day X
Priority for Event Speaking Opportunities X

Corporate Membership

Corporations can join the chamber and access the thousands of small businesses in our network.

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Member Directory

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