Build your business with our educational workshops and technical assistance program.
Diverse and Unmatched Access
The CalAsian Chamber operates several federal and state centers that offer diverse businesses unmatched access to experts, resources, and partners on the national, state, and local levels. Learn more about our ecosystem of resources below.
Business Centers
Learn more about our ecosystem of resources here.
Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) Business Center
The Sacramento MBDA Business Center is a program under the U.S. Department of Commerce and is designed to help socially and economically disadvantaged businesses grow and thrive by providing services to meet the client needs.
We provide customized and flexible technical one-on-one support with focus on these areas:
- Business Development
- Business Matchmaking
- Access to Contracts
- Access to Capital
Small Business Development Center
San Joaquin
The San Joaquin Small Business Development Center is a technical assistance program serving small business owners in San Joaquin, Amador, Calaveras, and Alpine counties. We specialize in helping businesses in the launch and start-up phases by providing 1:1 consultations and workshops focused on business planning, accessing capital, and understanding finances.
Our services are free and available to any small business owners in the participating counties, however we can make referrals to other SBDCs across the state. If your dream is to start your own business, we’re here to assist!
Small Business Transportation Resource Center
Southwest Region (SBTRC-SW)
The California Asian Pacific Chamber of Commerce houses the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Small Business Transportation Resource Center– Southwest Region serving the states of Arizona, California, Hawaii, and Nevada.
The SBTRC works closely with the transportation contracting community and other subject matter experts to provide technical assistance on Business Development, Procurement Assistance, Networking and Business-Matchmaking, Capital/Financial Access, Surety Bond Assistance, Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE), and Women & Girls in Transportation Initiative (WITI).
Small Business Utilization Center
Statewide (SBUC)
The SBUC connects small and mid-sized minority owned businesses with federal, state and private procurement opportunities. The Center offers technical assistance and training to these businesses to support and build capacity and become contract ready.
SBUC also offers a website development service and a succession program for small businesses.
Supplier Diversity
We are committed to helping diverse small businesses connect to federal, state, and private contract opportunities. We will help you get contract-ready and connect you directly to opportunities that fit your business through Diversity Procure, our innovative online matchmaking platform.
Diversity Procure
Online Platform
Diversity Procure is an online matchmaking platform that connects diverse small businesses directly to federal, state, and private contract opportunities. Let us guide you through the contracting process.
Get In Touch
Want to learn more about our programs? Contact us today to find out how we can support your business.